Thursday, August 11, 2011

Gold Prices Are Up, The Price of Gold May Be In A Bubble

The first time I was introduced to the wild price
gyrations of gold was in 1980--the media attention
was massive. Based on reports at the time gold went
from $200 an ounce to $800 in a short period. That
was after years at the low. A few years later it fell
back to $300, and stayed there for many more years.

Now, on august 10, 2011, gold hit $1800 after a short
ride up from about $600 an ounce. Since President Obama
became President, the media has stoked fears in the
public by constantly airing internet, television, and
radio ads about the fear of having "this type" of..READ MORE

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

The United States Debt versus the Debt Ceiling and How
They Influence Our National Security

In the United States very few, almost no
Americans pay cash for anything. They borrow
more money than they can dream of; to buy a
house, a car, a college education, or
simply to go on vacation. Most Americans,
who make just $60,000 a year, buy homes that
cost as much as $250,000 or more, mostly with
a note of debt. That note is usually...
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