Women Are Not Saving Enough Money For Retirement
Women are not saving enough because of 5 major reasons. In
my opinion the main reason is too much love. The other
reasons being:
1. Love for their husband
2. Love for their kids
3. Love of their parents
4. Love for their home
5. Love for their sanity (which is often threatened by overwork)
Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with love, but
it can make you poor if it is not put in perspective.
Most women get married at some time in their lives, many
have kids, and now with modern medicine, many elderly people
are living long lives. What does this have to do with women,
love and poverty. Women are taught to be caregivers early on.
Women are taught to clean up the house, cook, and babysit
much more than their brothers. This could be the reason,
but most cultural issues are complex, so lets just say this
is one of the reasons. But, another big reason is that women
are still the ones to get pregnant and have responsibility
for the home and children.
Because of the caregiver background women are raised with in
conjunction with their responsibility to children, housekeeping
and cleaning, women are more likely to take extended time off
work. Some women never work at all. If there is a divorce, which
about 70% of Americans divorce or separate women are usually
left with no income, little income from a divorce settlement,
or little income from an entry level job. Therefore, in the
struggle to just exist, women don't save enough money. The
moral of the story is that girls should be taught to go to
school, and women should do a significant amount of earned
income work before they stay home to take care of the kids,
home, or elderly parents. If they can't do the work before
they better do it afterwards, a lot of work, so they can save
money for retirement.
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About Saving Money HereLois Center-Shabazz
Founder of Msfinancialsavvy.com