Thursday, June 24, 2010

Education Reform Signed As A Part Of Health Care Reform Bill

As a part of the health care reform bill President Barack
Obama signed a long over due education reform bill as a part
of the health reform package. College has become progressively
more expensive and less affordable for the middle class
in America. The education reform bill is absolutely essential.

The key points of the education reform bill is as follows:
Go Here For All Points...
Inadequate Infection Control Procedures Can Put Your
Life at Risk in a Surgery Center

Drug resistant MRSA infections are on the rise in the nation's
hospitals, and, as a retired dentist, I can tell you that infection
practices in dental offices have increased remarkably since the
discovery of the AIDS (HIV) virus. Now, despite all of the
infection control courses physicians, dentist and other health
care professionals are required to take, we find that surgery
centers all over the country are not using adequate infection
control procedures.

Because of the lack of infection control in two major surgery
centers in Las Vegas, Nevada, which caused a major hepatitis
outbreak, the federal government ordered a major...
Read More Here...
Austin: The Best City in Texas? Think Again!

Is Austin really the best city in Texas? Don't be so sure!

I just read an article on (see the link at
the bottom) that rated the best cities right now for job
growth. Many of those cities are in Texas, and Austin is
ranked #1 on the list, as well as on many other similar
lists. The reasons cited are many, including a favorable...
Read The Whole Article