Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wealth Distribution-The 99% versus the 1% Wealthiest in the United States

Ed Wolff, a professor of economics at New York University, specializes in wealth distribution. According to him the breakdown of wealth distribution in America is as follows:

The top 1% of the population has an average income of $1.2 million, with $350,000 being the threshold to join the top level. The 1% limit in terms of net worth is $9 million, according to the professor.

According to his research, the top 1% held 34.6% of the total net worth in the country in 2007. The next 19% held 50.5%.

The bottom 80% of Americans were left with just 15% of the wealth. That is down from 18.7% in 1983.

When the home is removed as a measure of net worth, the picture is measurably worse, the portion of wealth held by the top 1% is 42.7%, while the bottom 80% had 7%.

Fast forward to the year 2011, because of privatization and deregulation of government agencies, and protections for the American voter, 1% of the population holds more wealth than 99% of the population.

The middle class is disappearing right before our eyes, the sooner all Americans realize this, the faster we can react to change the trajectory.

Privatization and deregulation have attributed to a large part of the wealth gap. The more government agencies are privatized, the more taxpayers dollars are spent on products and services at double to quadruple the cost.

The government does not need to produce profits for shareholders, the private corporations need to produce profits, and that contributes to abuse of taxpayers dollars.

Higher prices are paid for goods and services and lower wages are paid to employees. When employees cannot produce the highest profits for the corporation, then the employees are all fired, and the jobs are sent overseas. This happens with government contractor jobs and deregulated industries.

The middle class is disappearing, largely because of privatization and deregulation.

President Obama wants to save the middle class. Msfinancialsavvy

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Ponzi Excuse; Lawmakers Reason To Privatize Social Security

Some lawmakers would have you believe that social security is a massive debt program in terrible trouble. A Ponzi scheme is how many have characterized it.

A Ponzi scheme is when a person runs a fake investment company that uses new investor funds to pay old investors, instead of actual investment returns. Most or none of the money is ever invested in anything. Because of this, Ponzi schemes collapse in a short period of time. Read More...

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Know Predatory Loan Terms to Protect Your Home, Car, and Paycheck

Predatory mortgage loans are loans that come with high interest rates, and have many hidden fees, charges, and future interest rate increases. They come with adjustable rates that have extremely high caps, or worse yet, balloon payments at the end of the term equal to the original loan, with interest only loans. The predatory adjustable rate loan comes with a low teaser rate to start with, and then skyrockets later. Low information buyers often thought the low teaser rate was at or near the final rate, and were mortified when they received their new adjustable rate payment schedule after a period of time. Read More...

Wall Street Bankers Not Jailed, But Forced To Pay Investors

Occupy wall street protestors are protesting many things, among them are the bailout of the wall street banks by the government after causing the housing collapse in the United States and serving no jail time for it.
According to Wikipedia, The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) is a program of the United States government to purchase assets and equity from financial institutions to strengthen its financial sector that was signed into law by U.S. President George W. Bush, on October 3, 2008. It was a component of the government's measures in 2008 to address the subprime mortgage crises. Read More...
Also visit, AttackWatch

Thursday, September 15, 2011

President Obama's Job's Bill; The American Jobs Act

After two unfunded war's and a tax cut for the wealthy, as of 2008 our deficit ran up to 5 trillion dollars. In the 1980's America's top tax rate was 50%, under President Obama it is now 36% and jobs are in China and many other countries.

I think it is time to pass the American Jobs Act and get Americans back to work. Stop the political postering on the right and think about the bulk of the American people. The unemployment rate is in the area of 9%, at 6% unemployment America is considered economically healthy. The American Jobs Bill will head this country in the right direction and economist feel the unemployment rate will go down at least 1%, adding about 2 million jobs.

The tax rate will go up, but what good are low taxes if there are not enought employed people to pay them.

AttackWatch.com BarackObama.com Whitehouse.gov Msfinancialsavvy.com Americanjobsact.com

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Gold Prices Are Up, The Price of Gold May Be In A Bubble

The first time I was introduced to the wild price
gyrations of gold was in 1980--the media attention
was massive. Based on reports at the time gold went
from $200 an ounce to $800 in a short period. That
was after years at the low. A few years later it fell
back to $300, and stayed there for many more years.

Now, on august 10, 2011, gold hit $1800 after a short
ride up from about $600 an ounce. Since President Obama
became President, the media has stoked fears in the
public by constantly airing internet, television, and
radio ads about the fear of having "this type" of..READ MORE

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

The United States Debt versus the Debt Ceiling and How
They Influence Our National Security

In the United States very few, almost no
Americans pay cash for anything. They borrow
more money than they can dream of; to buy a
house, a car, a college education, or
simply to go on vacation. Most Americans,
who make just $60,000 a year, buy homes that
cost as much as $250,000 or more, mostly with
a note of debt. That note is usually...
Full Article...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pressure On President Obama to Raise The Debt Ceiling

Unlike all previous Presidents, President Obama has an
insane amount of pressure to negotiate for other options
with the Republicans to pass the debt ceiling vote.
Nearly every year for the past 20 years the debt ceiling
has been raised without a fuss.

This year is different, only because the President is
a smart African-American man who cares about his country,
there is an argument about the debt ceiling.

Sad, that a President is stopped from doing his job
solely because of his race. The taunting and lies about
one of the most qualified Presidents in history have
not stopped since he took office.

The debt ceiling should be raised, the debt ceiling must
be raised, and it must be raised quickly, regardless of
the motives of the hard line Republicans.

5 Ways To Maintain Your Computer And Keep Repair
Bills At A Minimum

A previous article in this section gave you
information about computer maintenance, this
article gives more details.

1. Clear your internet options on a regular
basis--they clog your hard drive space.

Your computer saves cookies to make it faster
to open regularly used web pages. These
cookies are graphics and other files used to
display individual web pages. They are
convenient, but they also use valuable space
on your computer if they become to numerous.

Use this sequence to clear cookies, Go to:
Read More
Information brought to you by, Msfinancialsavvy.com Articles

Colonics For Health May Not Be A Necessary
Health Practice, This is Why

Many people are getting colonics for health.
But, the issue is, are colonics necessary, safe,
and healthy.

Colonics is a procedure where by a long tube
with a pump on it is inserted below, to remove
waste from your body, similar to an enema.

Colonic practitioners believe it is necessary
for good health, mainly to remove
Read More At Msfinancialsavvy.com

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Timeshares Are For Vacation Fun or a Financial Burden

I recently spoke at a financial seminar and had the most
bizarre questions ask of my about timeshares. So, hence
the article on timeshares at Msfinancialsavvy.com. Time-
shares can be fun, but I have been told by divorced
couples that they fight over who will take the timeshare
after their split. One woman at the seminar asked me
why they took her collections when she stopped paying
her bill--she clearly did not understand the high
pressure sales presentation. Most people are shocked
by the ongoing tax and maintenace cost.

Anyhow, learn before you buy, do your research,
start at msfinancialsavvy.com

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Top 5 Things To Consider When Choosing A College or University

The top colleges and universities recommended by major publications;
most American students can't afford.

Several national magazines publish the top colleges and universities
in the U.S. yearly. All of the top colleges listed have one thing in
common, extreme high cost. Because the cost are so high, most
Americans cannot afford to attend these so-called "top colleges"
unless they acquire an uncontrollable school loan debt or a full 4
year scholarship. My number one consideration for choosing a top...
Read More Here...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Rich Are Getting Richer And You Can To

Lately, in the news, we have seen articles showing that half
the rich people in the United States pay no taxes, and the
other half pay only a small portion. The middle class and
poor people are paying a greater portion of their income
in taxes. So, how do the middle class and poor remedy
this problem.

You have to first solve the problem of being middle or
low income. It is not easy, but it can be done. To do
this you must change your thinking and habits with
money, work, and planning.

I spell out this change in a few simple steps, in
the article,
Habits That Will Make You Rich
,you can read it now.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Important IRS Tax Information For Small Business

If you are a small business owner in the U.S., by now most of you have filed and paid your taxes, but some of you have not. Perhaps one reason is that you are confused about the information you need to properly question your tax preparer. If you have any questions about small business taxes there is a treasure trove of information you can obtain directly at...
Read All Of Small Business Tax Help Now

Thursday, March 03, 2011

The Federal Governments Free Jobs Training Program

Before the current administration came into office jobs
started to leave the United States for China and other
places. That left a void in the types of jobs available
in the United States. Therefore, the current administration
started a federal job training program to benefit those...
Read More Here...
How To Find High Performing Mutual Funds
For A High Performance Portfolio

The stock market has been going up consistently for
the past few years, and is posed to continue on the
current positive course. Therefore, now may be the
time to research quality mutual funds. There are
literally hundreds of quality mutual funds to research,
the small list below will...
Read More Here...

Friday, February 04, 2011

Protecting Your Privacy On Facebook and Other
Social Networking Sites

You think privacy setting are automatically set in facebook and
other socialnetworking sites, think again. Most users don't know
that setting their profile to private is up to them. Because of
this most of the users in facebook do not have their profile set
to private. This allows marketing companies to access your
information as well as friends you don't know. Many people allow
friends to come into their network because they claim to be a friend
of a friend. These dishonest fake friends come into your facebook
page solely to gather information from your profile that will enable
them to send you spam email or gather information for identity theft.

Here are a few things the unsuspicious facebook users can do to
protect themselves:
Read More Here...

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Ongoing Loan Modification Scams Hurting Homeowners

With a growing number of homeowners underwater with their mortgages, there are more and more scammers joining the foray. The number of complaints has increased exponentially, as foreclosures increase. Despite the crackdown on loan modification fraud, including hundreds of arrest, there is a constant stream of new scammers looking for their next victim.

Read More Now...
Ongoing Loan Modification Scams