Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pressure On President Obama to Raise The Debt Ceiling

Unlike all previous Presidents, President Obama has an
insane amount of pressure to negotiate for other options
with the Republicans to pass the debt ceiling vote.
Nearly every year for the past 20 years the debt ceiling
has been raised without a fuss.

This year is different, only because the President is
a smart African-American man who cares about his country,
there is an argument about the debt ceiling.

Sad, that a President is stopped from doing his job
solely because of his race. The taunting and lies about
one of the most qualified Presidents in history have
not stopped since he took office.

The debt ceiling should be raised, the debt ceiling must
be raised, and it must be raised quickly, regardless of
the motives of the hard line Republicans.

5 Ways To Maintain Your Computer And Keep Repair
Bills At A Minimum

A previous article in this section gave you
information about computer maintenance, this
article gives more details.

1. Clear your internet options on a regular
basis--they clog your hard drive space.

Your computer saves cookies to make it faster
to open regularly used web pages. These
cookies are graphics and other files used to
display individual web pages. They are
convenient, but they also use valuable space
on your computer if they become to numerous.

Use this sequence to clear cookies, Go to:
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Information brought to you by, Msfinancialsavvy.com Articles

Colonics For Health May Not Be A Necessary
Health Practice, This is Why

Many people are getting colonics for health.
But, the issue is, are colonics necessary, safe,
and healthy.

Colonics is a procedure where by a long tube
with a pump on it is inserted below, to remove
waste from your body, similar to an enema.

Colonic practitioners believe it is necessary
for good health, mainly to remove
Read More At Msfinancialsavvy.com