Thursday, March 16, 2006

Traveling Shoes

I dream of traveling the world someday. I'm sure many would jump at the opportunity to explore our planet, see different cultures, experience different foods, and relish in the wonder that is earth. When was the last time you traveled to another country, or even another state? If you haven't, then it is time.

Part of changing your financial and spiritual life is learning about and experiencing different cultures. Knowing how other people live, understanding their religious beliefs, their cultural and social hierarchy, can vastly change the way you see life, and your future. It may seem unrelated, your future and travel, but they are more intertwined than you might imagine.

Every new culture you encounter opens something inside you. You become more attuned to life outside your bubble, and this in turn helps to transform you, allowing the emergence of a new way of thinking and being based on your experience.

Engage the world today. Your spiritual and economic growth could depend on it. So put on your traveling shoes, your life could depend on it.

Pittershawn Palmer
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