Use Fresh Herbs To Spice Up Your Cooking
Fresh Herbs--the inexpensive way to use fresh herbs and spices in your cooking.
A healthy way to spice up your cooking or your salads is with fresh herbs.You can grow then in a garden or container pot if you don't have much space. Herbs grow in the spring, summer and fall in colder climates, andyear-round in warmer climates.
The most common garden and container herb plants are basil, chive, cilantro, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, and thyme. I have all of these in my containerherb garden. Rosemary grows as a ground cover or ornamental plant. In warmerwest coast climates rosemary grows, and grows and grows all the time. It grows well now in my east coast home as an ornamental plant in the spring, summer and fall.
In the winter many of your herbs will go dormant, but in the spring they willgrow back on their own. The following are a list of the most common herbsand many are easy to grow. This is important because herbs are expensive tobuy.
Consider these herbs and their uses-
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