Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Day trading is back! Remember when every news channel showed the picture of the man who shot up everyone in his daytrading business because he lost something in the neighborhood of $100,000 daytrading. That is a lot of money, but that is typical of daytrading. You can't win for losing. Yet, because the stock market is going up again, now we see advertisments about people daytrading and lieing about how they made tons of money. It works because some people 1. Believe anything they hear on tv, no matter how big a lie it is, 2. Some people feel they need to believe anything that says they will make a lot of money no matter how outlandish it sounds.

The reason daytrading does not work because you are GUESSING, and you can't guess wallstreet. The big boys on wall street have access to 98% of company information us little guys don't have access to. So, if there is a big sell-off fast you----the small daytrader---will be left holding the bag, or should I say without your bag of money. I have seen it happen to many a daytrader. And, those testimonials, they don't have to prove to the government that they are true before they go on the air, so who is checking. You don't want to know.

All you need to know is that you have to protect your money because if you don't no one else will.

Get accurate and up to date information about investing here. Posted by Picasa

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