Vice Presidential Pick Palin Is More Pain-in the Whitehouse
John McCain has run on a ticket of less spending and more
governing for the people. That is strange since he voted
90% of the time with George Bush on U.S. policy, and Bush
is leaving the U.S. with a trillion dollar deficit, decaying
urban schools, a huge American crime rate, a war out of
control with costs, private contracts to friends, and a
whole list of more of the same.
Vice presidential pick, more pain-in the Whitehouse-Palin,
is one of the biggest pork barrel spenders in the history
of Alaska. She hired lobbyist to get $27 million dollars for
her tiny little mayor town (the size of a small neighborhood),
and went crazy with spending. Then aligned herself with the
now indicted Senator Stevens from Alaska and got more pork
barrel spending for Alaska. She has only been governor of
Alaska for 18 months, and during much of that time she was
either pregnant or on pregnancy leave. More pain-in the
Whitehouse Palin is also being investigated for an illegal
firing of an Alaska employee. See Paul Kane, The Washington
Post for Palins pork barrel projects.
Palin like McCain is more of the same. Now we know why
Hillary Clinton said, No way, No more, No McCain.
Palin has a good chance of becoming president considering
McCain’s age and previous health record. If this happens
we are in deep trouble ladies, Palin doesn't even have a
prestigious college degree, and, no law degree from a
prestigious college, such as Barack Obama. The fact that
he made Harvard Law Review, by itself tells you what a
genius he is. He was a civil rights lawyer--means he is
for the people, not big business, he was a constitutional
law professor---unlike the current administration--he
understands the constitution of the United States, he has
Washington and executive experience, as a United States
Senator for 4 years. He knows executive management. Palins
town had only 50 employees, Senator Obama’s campaign has
2500 employees, Palins town budget was $12 million dollars
a year, Senator Barack Obama’s campaign budget is $12 million
dollars per month. The state of Alaska only has a measly
600,000 people, coupled with the fact that Palin supposedly
was pregnant or on pregnancy leave most of the time means
that her experience pales in comparison to Senator Obama.
I say supposedly pregnant, is because many people suspect
that the 4-month baby of Palin, really belongs to her
daughter. They cannot prove she gave birth.
Under Senator Obama every American will pay fewer taxes
than under McCain. See the taxpolicycenter.org/index.cfm,
for a breakdown of the; less taxes under Senator Obama.
Let's Get This Country Financial Savvy! We need a genius
who can turn this country around, not more of the same.
Senator Barack Obama is a genius with a prestigious American
education and the experience needed to become president
of the United States.
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