Thursday, January 19, 2012

U.S. Tax Dollars Shifting From Education For Our Children, to Profits for Private Prisons

This is sad but true. It appears that young people are being moved closer and closer to life in prison, rather than a great education. U.S. tax dollars are constantly being shifted from investments in quality public education, to investments in for-profit prisons.

The United States makes up 5% of the world population, but 25% of the prison population. There is a tendency to over charge for misdemeanors to populate the prisons. This is affecting all types of people from all types of backgrounds except the rich.

The private prisons lobby is massive. There is a quiet prison building boom in small towns across the United States. The motto is, “you build them, and we can fine ‘em, the prisoners that is”. It cost about $10,000 a year to keep a child in high school, but it cost about $30,000 to keep a child in an adult prison.

African American males make up only 6% of the U.S. population, but 30% of the prison population. Even after a simple misdemeanor many young men cannot find employers who will hire them.

In 1985 California had 12 prisons, now they have about 40 prisons.

In 1995 the U.S. prison population reflected the U.S. population.

But, with the increase of the prisons, people with money pay for lawyer’s who put them in drug treatment programs instead of prison.

In the state of California, 60% of the prison population is non-violent drug offenders.

Lately several governors have shifted millions of dollars out of the local school systems, and into other systems. It has been proven that the best way to get gainful employment is a high school diploma, and then college. High school diplomas are difficult for school children in poor areas, with little or no money.

The private prison lobby has shifter $74 billion tax dollars into private prisons, with a profit of $3 billion for the private prison system in the United States last year alone.

Educate yourself about finances, quality public schools, and government funds. The U.S. is quietly becoming the prison country, rather than the most educated country, as in the past.

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