Thursday, December 15, 2005

Why I Am A Savvy Money Women And You Should Be Too

I personally believe if all women get savvy with their money they can buy all of the clothes and shoes they want without listening to their husbands complain. Husbands look in check book registers, they examine credit card statements,and they yack, yack, yack while they buy expensive camera lenses, expensive boats they hardly use. Then there are the old cars they refurbish and show once a month at the quarterly
car show, and hunting and fishing equipment they buy continuously.

Well ladies, if you have your own savings account, retirement account, and checking accout, you can buy what you want without the headaches. Don't get me wrong. I am very conservative with money, but because I have my own accounts, when I buy the dresses and shoes I like, I don't have to get interrogated about how much and why. Many of us could live like that if we work hard, save money, stay away from credit, and keep our retirement accounts growing. In my opinion their would be more happy marriages with seperate accounts.

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