Friday, December 29, 2006
It's slow and methodical, but you can get rich investing in the
stock market. You must do your homework, understand the stock
market, monitor your stocks or the companies they represent. That is
a tall order, some folks do it and it has shown proven results, others don’t and they sell before their stocks make money.
Find Out How--Go Here
Friday, December 15, 2006
For Home Improvements You can save money on your taxes this year by doing home improvementsthat entitle you to tax credits. Time is of the essence since we arealready close to the end of the year, but if you hurry you can stillcash in.
Go To Msfinancialsavvy Taxes
Salmon Croquettes Salmon croquettes are one of my all time favorite recipes at Msfinancialsavvy. My husband liked these a lot and taught me to make them after we married. Over the years I have tried different variations. They are delicious. You can use canned or fresh salmon. This recipes calls for canned salmon.
Salmon croquettes recipe
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
The housing market has come to a stand still. The boom seems to be over. The days of selling a home in one day, seems to be a distant memory. Now according to financial news reports the stock market has been on the rise and that means your mutual funds should be increasing in value. Check your mutual fund balances to verify this.
Read More Here...
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
I have watched several documentaries on Kartrina and theexisting devastation of the New Orleans area. It seems themajor corporate entities such as the Superdome in New Orleansand the Gambling Casinos in Mississippi have been restoredquickly and are functioning.
The areas other than the corporate wealthy areas are stillblighted, full of piles of trash, and vacant. Insurers arefinding excuses for not paying to rebuild houses and the government keeps saying it plans to fund the rebuilding ofthe gulf coast homes, but have not.
If I am not mistaken, didn't all of those homeowners and mostof the apartment dwellers work and pay state and federal taxes? Doesn't that mean they deserve to have some of that tax money available to fix some of that devastation? Does this mean thatwhen there are natural disasters in other parts of the country people will NOT be treated as tax paying citizens of their own country--the United States, but instead like refugees with no rights?
Seeing all of those documentaries on the anniversary gave littlehope to the future of natural disaster plans in this country. A documentary by Discovery Times interviewed many of the professionalswho were present during and after the floods, who contradicted many of the negative media reports that were put on the air about Katrina victims. Were these false reports put on the air to brainwash us against the Katrina victims?
In my opinion all of this demonstrates that although we pay large amounts of state and federal taxes, the government may not be there for you if a natural disaster happens, therefore you MUST get all of your ducks in order now. Save money, keep a credit card with no balance, have an evacuation plan, have provisions, and leave when you are told. That was difficult for the poorest people who did not have money saved or credit cards, but they can tryby contacting family members out of town or finding an inexpensive hotel on higher ground outside town or asking their church for help.
Write your congressman and senator for more clear cut evacuation bills so everyone can be helped when a disaster strikes.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Your kids are off to college, but that does not mean they are off your radar screen. Please advise them on keeping a reasonable budget and avoiding as much debt as possible. Tell them that they will be offered college credit cards but they do not have to accept them. As a matter of fact, it is best NOT to accept them. Let them know that it is best to buy necessary items from money made as income, not as money given as a future debt payment. Also tell them, "yes, college is expensive, but we must put a cap on college spending. Live as tight as possible, borrow as little as possible.

Thursday, August 03, 2006
Go here for medicine host...
Go here for religion host...
Health Related...Is coming
Friday, July 07, 2006
I can still see the sad pictures of the hundreds of Enron employees weeping as they left the
Enron building for the last time, with empty retirement accounts in tow. They have been patiently waiting for the last Enron verdict on the most powerful culprit who steered the biggest stock scandal in history. Unfortunately that patience has proven to be in vain. It has been said that Ken Lay, the Chairman and CEO has passed away and with him much of the hope to regain the retirement money employees lost in the debacle.
Do you believe Key Lay is really dead? I for one am very suspicious. My suspicion was aroused when, 1. The coroner came on national television to convince everyone that, "Yes, it really happened, the poor guy has passed"(paraphrased). 2. When the announcement was made that the x-Enron employees may not see financial vindication.
First of all, how often does the coroner come on national tv to convince us that someone has died. I can't recall the last time. Second of all, his death should have nothing to do with the chances the employees should or should not be reimbursed for lost retirement money. This all indicates to me that Ken Lay is more likely sipping martini's on an isolated and luscious island in the middle of the pacific, than lying 6 feet under. What is your opinion?
Get savvy with your money----diversify your investments, especially your retirement account.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Warren Buffet is leaving billions, almost $40 billion dollars to Bill and Melinda Gates charity. Do you think he did it out of the kindness of his heart or for tax reasons? I would tend to think it was mainly for tax reasons, after all the inheritance tax on $40 billion dollars must be outrageous, if so that would make the united states government the benefactor instead of charity, so... faced with the choice, I would give the money to charity.
When I see what the government in the united states does with large sums of money it makes me shiver. Warren Buffet is an honerable man and he still left all of his kids rich. I think he said they will still get about a billion dollars each, wow! Not bad for not lifting a finger.
This Money Savvy Women
Warren Buffet is leaving billions, almost $40 billion dollars to Bill and Melinda Gates charity. Do you think he did it out of the kindness of his heart or for tax reasons? I would tend to think it was mainly for tax reasons, after all the inheritance tax on $40 billion dollars must be outrageous, if so that would make the united states government the benefactor instead of charity, so... faced with the choice, I would give the money to charity.
When I see what the government in the united states does with large sums of money it makes me shiver. Warren Buffet is an honerable man and he still left all of his kids rich. I think he said they will still get about a billion dollars each, wow! Not bad for not lifting a finger.
This Money Savvy Women
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
U.S. inflation is scheduled to increase in the future, it has always increased in the past, and is currently rising. Who cares, it mainly effects poor people who live off minimum wage. That is a sad commentary on a wealthy country such as the United States. Who can live off $5.15 an hour in the U.S. The senate just voted to NOT increase this pathetic minimum wage, so poor people will keep getting poorer, the trap they are in will be tougher to get out of. Pray for minimum wage earners in the U.S. that our government will someday have compassion.
Learn more about money and savings!
Monday, June 19, 2006
Not really! What is really happening is that the state of Texas has just pulled the plug on
a multilevel marketing organization, commonly known as a pyrmid scam. They were selling
pills they claim to extend your gas milage. The state attorney generals office in Texas just
got a temporary injuction against them and they are freezing their assets. Many experts
testified that the so-called "gas pills" do nothing to extend your gas milage in your car.
Friday, June 16, 2006
It's not enough that adults are filing for bankruptcy in record numbers, living on the edge financially, and stuck in debtors hell. Now we have adults trying to enlist their children as young as 7 years old to get credit cards. I would like to think it was a joke, but it was in print, black and white, on the internet. A women asking a financial writer if she could get her 7-year old child a credit card, so he could start to establish credit.
What a hoot! Everyone knows that kids under 18 can't sign legal documents. But, I was even more shocked with the answer the writer gave her. He explained to her that the child could not sign a legal document, what surprised me was that he seemed to think it was ok to start teaching a young child the bad habit of credit and debt at such a young age. I expected him to be irate, but he wasn't. He actually told her how she could include her child as a signer on the card. A seven year old, signing for credit??
Maybe it was a plant article from the debt industry, but I was sure sad when he didn't tell her that the child has plenty of time to get credit when he or she is of age and the focus now should be on teaching budgeting and good spending habits. I hope someone gives her this information soon.
Visit:, so you can get this information.

Thursday, June 15, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006
In the past few years a lot of folks have complained about so-called credit counselors who don’t get them out of debt and charge them a lot of money. They pay a fee to get counseling and receive nothing in return.
Well, it turns out one reason these companies increased exponentially is because they were given tax-exempt status for claiming to be credit counselors.
The IRS commissioner is focusing on dishonest credit or debt counselors, 41 debt counselors have lost their tax-exempt status of the 61 they recently audited. These organizations exist mainly to prey on debt heavy individuals by charging them excessive fees for little or no service.
Read More >>>
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
All of these women pass the Savvy Money Women test. They are all well into the millions of dollars a year for income. It seems so impossible for most women, but when you are in the right place, with the right education, and the right career and the right guidance you can make millions of honest dollars a year. Let's just hope they are all honest dollars, with all of the corporate fraud it makes you wonder. Here is your list of Savvy Money Women in the top 9 for income in corporate america.
1 Meg Whitman--- eBay $29.9 million
2 Andrea Jung Avon--- $22.1 million
3 Suzanne Johnson Goldman ---Sachs $17.5 million (tie)
4 Zoe Cruz ---Morgan Stanley $17.5 million (tie)
5 Ann Daly ---Dreamworks $16.8 million
6 Marie Toulantis ---Barnes & Noble $15.8 million
7 Patricia Russo Lucent ---$15.5 million
8 Anne Mulcahy Xerox ---$14.1 million
9 Myrtle Potter Genentech ---$14.0 million
10 Susan Desmond-Hellmann ---Genentech ---$13.4 million
Join other Savvy Money Women [Here]--
Friday, June 02, 2006
When one door of happiness closes, anogher opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us. Live for your children as well as yourself, close the door to debt, financial destruction, and money worries.
Consider this information for your child's future--Read article here >

Thursday, June 01, 2006
Get it--Develop your primary career, job, or business to the maximum.
Grow it--Invest wisely, to beat inflation.
Keep it--Educate yourself about budgeting, investing, insurance, career development, home buying, small business, and "get rich quick" scams.
It is your money, know your choices, and know what to avoid.
Savvy advice from,
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
If anyone runs into the new treasury secretary please advise him to pick up a copy of, Let's Get Financial Savvy! and PLEASE use the website, All he needs to protect the U.S. treasury can be found in this book and the the above recommended website. The book is available at the website and all online bookstores.

Thursday, May 25, 2006
Commandment #1 Thou shall open up a savings account and make regular contributions. This is the first step toward developing good saving habits. Putting money in a mattress or your car is not safe or practical.
Commandment #2 Thou shall take advantage of your 401K plan or other company plan at least to the match amount. Usually a company will give you 50 cents on the dollar up to 4 percent. This is free money and depending on the company vesting schedule this money goes with you if and when you leave. This is also a great way to help manage your taxes because the money taken from your income pretax and lowers the amount of money you pay taxes on.
Go here for the remaining 8...
Friday, May 19, 2006
If you are trying to pay for college, save money, create a budget or simply understand how you can eventually retire without proverty and before you have one foot in the grave, there are several steps you should take. The first of them is education. You must educate yourself, if you want to create a financially savvy and financially sane life. Begin this process with an easy, simple to read, but thorough book that explains all of these topics and more. Don't get left depending on others who could care less about how you end up financially. Sure, they will smile and pretent for a fee, sometimes a big fee, but do they really care? Unfortunately, the answer is no, and the sooner you understand that, the better off you will be, buy this book now and get many free bonuses with it.
Click here now!

Monday, May 15, 2006
Oprah gave $10 million of her own money to build 50 homes for Katrina Victims in Texas, and NBA star Kevin Garnett gave money to build 24 homes for Katrina Victims in Jackson, Mississippi. We see that famous stars can be kind, generous and financially savvy with their money. Their donations went far and wide. Go here, learn more...Msfinancialsavvy tutorials

Saturday, May 13, 2006
Rupert Murdoch is going liberal and Hillary Clinton is going Republican. So it seems anyway as they are partaking in a fundraiser together.
Maybe there is hope that all poor people and rich people will stop fighting over money and they will all become great friends!
Learn more about your potention with money...go here...
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Tax breaks for the upper class and rich are continuing. Most that were set to expire have been scheduled to continue. With the republican ratings at an all time low, they were forced to pull out an ace in the hole, and this was it.
Understand more about money here...
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The reason daytrading does not work because you are GUESSING, and you can't guess wallstreet. The big boys on wall street have access to 98% of company information us little guys don't have access to. So, if there is a big sell-off fast you----the small daytrader---will be left holding the bag, or should I say without your bag of money. I have seen it happen to many a daytrader. And, those testimonials, they don't have to prove to the government that they are true before they go on the air, so who is checking. You don't want to know.
All you need to know is that you have to protect your money because if you don't no one else will.
Get accurate and up to date information about investing here.

Monday, May 08, 2006
I went to college and graduate school with school loans so I feel for those who have to borrow to get an education in the United States. The problem is we live in a wealthy country where students from poor and middle class families are being forced to borrow money way in excess of the amount of money they will make for a year.
Here is an example....
A school teacher averages about $27,000 a year. That is peanuts compared to the average school loan debt of $50,000, if she gets into a car accident, gets sick, or gets fired and can't find another job for awhile she is still required to pay for her school loans. Who, that is immoral, cruel, unjust and just plain mean. But, the hardest lesson I had to learn when I graduated from graduate school is that this world can be cruel, unjust and mean. Nobody cared about me and my financial problems when I did not have a job, and noone will care about you either.
What is the solution?
Go to colleges that are cheap, where you or your parents can afford to pay for. Borrow only tiny amounts of money. Don't get conned by the "this is a good college game". It doesn't matter how good the college is if you can't pay for it. If you have to get mountains of school loans, and you default on your school loans, you can't get a job anyway. So what's the point of going to the over-priced good college, there is none.
Some people borrow $50,000 and with interest pay back $200,000. That does not make sense, go to a college you can afford.
Direct Student loans are much better, and cheaper than Sallie mae loans. Ask your financial aide office for Direct loans if you must.
I paid all of my school loans, but it was horribly difficult.
Take our free college financial aide course:
Use our free college scholarships tutorial:
Friday, May 05, 2006

The stock market is up.
I hope those of you who left the markets after the dot com failures are not sick today. The market reached a 7 year high and my investments are soaring. I stuck it out. I know the markets so I held on to my stocks and mutual funds. Get soaring, I hope you sail with me. It
is lonely out here in the land of "common sense". Good luck to all of you who stuck it out. Keep researching your investments so you will have the nerve to stay the course when the sea of investing gets rough. Until tomorrow,

Thursday, May 04, 2006
Ok, according to my website, borrowing money is not cool. Then why would you go to a payday loan source to borrow money? That is the quesiton we are asking.
According to our local newspaper, The Virginian-Pilot, they say that the short-term, high interest payday loans have just passed the $1 billion dollar mark. In other words, they have made $1 billion dollars worth of these loans to people in Virginia.
The interest rate is an annual percentage rate of 390%. The maximum one can borrow is $500, and the maximum length of time is 4 weeks. Now, there are even loans that use your car as collateral. Wow! That is dangerous, lose your car for a few bucks!
There is nothing you need that can't wait four weeks. The problem is if you don't make good on the loan you can end up paying thousands of dollars back when you only borrowed a few hundred. The risk is not worth the loan.
Be patient and wait until you get paid again, or go to a relative.
Monday, May 01, 2006

Today is May Day, there are protest all over the world. The illegal immigrants are protesting to stay in this country and a become legal citizens, the pro-Darfur activist are protesting the treatment of a an entire race of people in Darfur, the anti-poverty activist are protesting the treatment of poor people in Haiti and poor people around the world.
What do all of these May Day protest have in common. They all have the lack of money and power, and the power to control ones life with money. Poor and mistreated people all over the world lack finances, jobs, and the money that brings such to their lives. With money they can buy decent homes, food, schools, teachers, education and control over their lives and their destiny. Without money others, who don't care about them control their lives in the lowly way they see fit, such as Darfur, Haiti, and the immigrant countries that illegal immigrants escape to get jobs in the U.S..
Here I demonstate how important it is to have money whether you live in an industrialized country or an under developed country. Money, budgets, jobs, and careers will bring you food, shelter, clothing, medicine and education. Pray for poor people all over the world. Pray that someday we don't have the wealthy taking advantage of the poor for their livelyhood. It doesn't matter what your religion is...just pray.
If you have access to a charity, give your time, energy and extra money to help others less fortunate than you.

Friday, April 28, 2006
Why should you focus on money early in life?
Here is one good reason.
The head of one of the biggest oil companies in the U.S. is retiring with $400 million dollar retirement package. At the same time we are paying from $2.50 to more than $3.00 a gallon for gas. What is wrong with this picture? Well, it should be painfully obvious that as the rich get richer, the poor definetly get poorer. Are we being taken advantage of? You bet we are. Does anyone care about the small person, working themselves to death to make a meager living? No, noone cares about you, except maybe, your mother. In this era of family discontent, even some mothers would prefer not to have contact with their greedy kids.
Anyway, I write this to demonstrate why you need to focus on money. Because noone cares about you, but you, you must focus on making an honest living, and making as much money as you can doing so, because in America:
1. You have to buy overpriced gas.
2. You have to rent or buy an exhorbantantly priced apartment or home.
3. You have to buy a care most people can't afford.
4. You have to shop in grocery stores that markup their food unnecessarily and tell us they have low profits.
5. You have to pay off atrocious college school loans, if you go to college.
The solution...
As the insanely hard working average American gets poorer, corporate giants and others get richer.
So, keep working.
Rebel, don't overpay for anything, find ways to buy cheaper as used, marked down, and if you don't have to, don't buy it at all. Americans need to rebel against price gauging NOW! or we will all be living on the streets eatting out of trash cans. That includes, the M.D., PhD., DDS, BA, RN,
and all other educated American. Get smart now.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I traveled to New Orleans and saw the devastation of the 9th Ward and spoke to the people directly effected by the horrific hurricanes. Houses were down all around me and no one had electricity or lights in the 9th Ward. Walking through the area got me thinking of my owns finances. Would I be ready in the event of a natural disaster?
Here are a 10 tips to help you prepare for a horrific event.
Read More Here...
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Use Fresh Herbs To Spice Up Your Cooking
Fresh Herbs--the inexpensive way to use fresh herbs and spices in your cooking.
A healthy way to spice up your cooking or your salads is with fresh herbs.You can grow then in a garden or container pot if you don't have much space. Herbs grow in the spring, summer and fall in colder climates, andyear-round in warmer climates.
The most common garden and container herb plants are basil, chive, cilantro, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, and thyme. I have all of these in my containerherb garden. Rosemary grows as a ground cover or ornamental plant. In warmerwest coast climates rosemary grows, and grows and grows all the time. It grows well now in my east coast home as an ornamental plant in the spring, summer and fall.
In the winter many of your herbs will go dormant, but in the spring they willgrow back on their own. The following are a list of the most common herbsand many are easy to grow. This is important because herbs are expensive tobuy.
Consider these herbs and their uses-
Read More Here...

Monday, April 17, 2006
The other day someone ask me, What is personal finance? The person who ask me is educated, works for a major company and makes a lot of money. No wonder we have so many once wealthy people filing bankruptcy, average hard working people losing homes because they are
over-come with bills. What good are american schools if they cannot define such simple terms for its graduates. Well, you have waited long enough. Are you ready for this?
Personal Finance is...
Your personal, finances.
Your finances that are personal to you.
Your ability to manage finances that are personal to you and only you.
Folks, how much simpler can I spell it out for you. Personal finances are simple. Now, get it,
before yours get complicated.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Tax filing time is rapidly approaching. But you still have time to file your taxes, fund your IRA or file an extension.
Filing your taxes on time is by far the best thing to do, especially if you are self-employed. You may not get credit for the social security taxes you paid if you do not file on time. So, when you get your social security tax payment statement in the mail be sure to check it, this will tell you if you got credit for the tax you paid. It usually comes once a year.
Investing during retirement is different than investing for retirement. In investing during retirement you need to weigh and measure several different factors to assure that your money last, you will live comfortably, and if you want to leave some money to your children or grandchildren.
Your retirement nest egg must be well thought out and closely monitored.
1. Life expectancy
What do you feel your life expectancy is considering how long your parents lived and your current health status is.
Read More Bullets...
Monday, April 10, 2006
A popular soul food recipe in the south is collard greens, mixed with proper seasonings and a few other types of greens, you have a dish that even royalty will savor.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
If you own a mutual fund as a regular savings account, you may be subject to paying taxes on your mutual fund. If you had a substantial income or capital gain distribution, you may have substantial taxes.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Don't let your accountant organize your receipts for taxes.You and only you are responsible to the IRS if your receiptsare not categorized correctly. Take your time, lay out yourreciepts, and place them in the category you think theybelong in. Attach each category to a sheet, list thecategory at the top of the sheet, list each item on eachsheet and why it is deductible.
1. Make two categories--Business and Home
You should have two sheets, one with Business written thetop and one with Home written at the top. Place yourbusiness file in front of your home file and your personalfile in front of your personal file. List all of thecategories you can think of and you see on the list of atypical schedule
Read More Ways...
Friday, March 31, 2006
Let's Get Financial Savvy!
Available at all online bookstores and off-line stores everywhere
Get paid to buy this book--
Friday, March 24, 2006
There are people soliciting consumers by telephone, email, fax and phone withfake IRS approved investments. They are telling them that this investment hasbeen approved by the IRS. Then they instruct them to fill out a form and completeit.
This is what is being said as per the federal trade commission:
I am a self-professed FunKreativeDiva! In one branch of my business, I manufacture and sell handmade body products such as creams, soaps, scrubs and other pampering goodies. In the other branch of my business I host parties and conduct classes where girls (young and young at heart) get to 'make' their own body products. How in the world did I arrive at this, you ask? Well, Let's look back.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Do you want to be even more successful? Learn to love learning and growth. The more effort you put into improving your skills, the bigger the payoff you will get. Realize that things will be hard at first, but the rewards will be worth it.
Many of us have to be reminded that almost everything worthwhile in our lives is hard at first. Learning to walk was hard at first, but gradually we learned and now it is effortless. The same holds true for our more advanced skills such as, sports, music, art, etc. We forget these past struggles to learn and take them for granted now.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
I dream of traveling the world someday. I'm sure many would jump at the opportunity to explore our planet, see different cultures, experience different foods, and relish in the wonder that is earth. When was the last time you traveled to another country, or even another state? If you haven't, then it is time.
Part of changing your financial and spiritual life is learning about and experiencing different cultures. Knowing how other people live, understanding their religious beliefs, their cultural and social hierarchy, can vastly change the way you see life, and your future. It may seem unrelated, your future and travel, but they are more intertwined than you might imagine.
Every new culture you encounter opens something inside you. You become more attuned to life outside your bubble, and this in turn helps to transform you, allowing the emergence of a new way of thinking and being based on your experience.
Engage the world today. Your spiritual and economic growth could depend on it. So put on your traveling shoes, your life could depend on it.
Pittershawn Palmer
Get A Free Ecourse--
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Savvy money women blog provides savvy money news about money, finance, business, career, college, computers, inspiration, investing, real estate and retirement.
If you want savvy money, finance and business tips---join us for all of the most updated articles on the web and in our savvy money, business, and finance blog.
Savvy Money News, from savvy money women
Hurricaine Katrina Victims Get Tax Extensions
Victims of all three Hurricanes Katrina, Rita or Wilma who want to claim disaster- related losses on their prior-year federal income tax returns have until October 16 to make to do so.
The IRS says that taxpayers who experienced losses due to the hurricanes can choose to claim those losses on their current-or prior-year tax returns.
As the IRS explains, the original deadline for choosing this option ordinarily is the due date of the taxpayer's current year return.
Individuals who wish to claim losses on their 2004 return instead of the 2005 tax return will have an extra six months, until October 16, to make the choice. The original deadline for making the choice was April 17.
Taxpayers who already have filed their prior-year return can file an amended return.
Speak to a qualified tax preparer such as an Enrolled Agent or Certified Public Accountant for more information.
Savvy Money News, from Savvy Money Women
Friday, March 10, 2006
If You Qualify
Earned Income Tax Credit or EITC as the Internal Revenue calls it is a special tax credit the government has provided for low income and moderate income individuals. Another way of putting it is; money the government is give low income wage earners as a bonus for workinghard for a low income. This article outlines information you or your tax preparer will need in the preparation of your earned income tax credit. It will also help you and your tax preparer to understand what the process is.
- You must meet the following EITC requirements to receive the credit:
- Your must have a valid Social Security Number
- You must have earned income from employment or from self-employment.
- Your filing status cannot be married, filing separately.
- You must be a U.S. citizen or resident alien all year, or a nonresident alien married to a U.S. citizen or resident alien and filing a joint return.
- You cannot be a qualifying child of another person.
You can qualify if you have no childred but, if you do not have a qualifying child, you must:
Be age 25 but under 65 at the end of the year,Live in the United States for more than half the year, Cannot qualify as a dependent of another personYou cannot file Form 2555 or 2555-EZ (related to foreign earn income)
EITC Thresholds and LimitationsSpecial rules may apply--Current Tax Year 2005
Earned income and adjusted gross income (AGI) must each be less than:
$35,263 ($37,263 married filing jointly) with two or more qualifying children;
$31,030 ($33,030 married filing jointly) with one qualifying child;
$11,750 ($13,750 married filing jointly) with no qualifying children.
Tax Year 2005 maximum credit (money that will be paid to you):
$4,400 with two or more qualifying children;
$2,662 with one qualifying child;
$399 with no qualifying children.
Investment income must be $2,700 or less for the year.
The Advance Earned Income Tax Credit (AEITC) for tax year 2005 maximum credit the employer is allowed to provide throughout the year with the employees pay is $1,597.
A "Qualifying Child? - A "qualifying child? may enable a taxpayer to claim several tax benefits, such as head of household filing status, the exemption for a dependent, the child tax credit, the child and dependent care credit and the earned income tax credit. Prior to 2005, each of these items defined a qualifying child differently.
If you have already filed for your taxes you will still be eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit, your tax preparer can file an amendment for you.Print this information and give it to your tax preparer. She or he can get additional information at, including tax forms.
Tip: Be honest in your tax reporting, dishonesty can and will come back to haunt you years later.
You can qualify if you have no childred but, if you do not have a qualifying child, you must:
Be age 25 but under 65 at the end of the year,Live in the United States for more than half the year, Cannot qualify as a dependent of another personYou cannot file Form 2555 or 2555-EZ (related to foreign earn income)EITC Thresholds and LimitationsSpecial rules may apply--Current Tax Year 2005
Earned income and adjusted gross income (AGI) must each be less than:
$35,263 ($37,263 married filing jointly) with two or more qualifying children;
$31,030 ($33,030 married filing jointly) with one qualifying child;
$11,750 ($13,750 married filing jointly) with no qualifying children.
Tax Year 2005 maximum credit(money that will be paid to you):
$4,400 with two or more qualifying children;
$2,662 with one qualifying child;
$399 with no qualifying children.Investment income must be $2,700 or less for the year.
The Advance Earned Income Tax Credit (AEITC) for tax year 2005 maximum credit the employer is allowed to provide throughout the year with the employees pay is $1,597.
A "Qualifying Child? - A "qualifying child? may enable a taxpayer to claim several tax benefits, such as head of household filing status, the exemption for a dependent, the child tax credit, the child and dependent care credit and the earned income tax credit. Prior to 2005, each of these items defined a qualifying child differently.
If you have already filed for your taxes you will still be eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit, your tax preparer can file an amendment for you.Print this information and give it to your tax preparer. She or he can get additional information at, including tax forms.
Tip: Be honest in your tax reporting, dishonesty can and will come back to haunt you years later.
"Helping women to create lives that are sane, manageable, and prosperous!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Listed here are some of the top mutual funds for a great five year return. This is a tiny example with research and its explanations associated with it.
Here is the explanations associated with the terms below.
Mutual Fund---Is the name of the mutual fund
Expense Ratio--The cost of running and maintaining the mutual fund for the company. This should be as low as possible so more of the profits can go to you. Less than 1.00% is a good number.
Large Value--The type of mutual fund, large value concentrates of company's that are actually making a profit.
5-Year Return--The per cent return the mutual fund makes after five years.
Net Asset Value--The price per asset or similar to the price per share of stocks.
YTD--Year to date per cent return of the mutual fund.
Total Assets--The total assets owned by the mutual fund company.
Morningstar--A company that rates mutual funds according to a wide variety of facts, they are rated from 1-5.
Rank In Category(YTD)--The rank in the category of mutual fund year to date.
Symbol--Every mutual fund has a unique symbol which identifies it for research and other purposes.
Risk--Chances the mutual fund will be profitable on a continuous basis.
Click here for-- 5 Mutual Funds With Great Five Year Returns
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
by author, Lois Center-Shabazz
Is it the debt or is it the American? Which is the real problem? Formany years I have promoted my anti-debt program, only to hear young woment tell me that "I will get out of debt as soon as I take a loanagainst my house". Taking a loan against your house is not debt payoff,it is debt replacement. The more you replace, the bigger your originaldebt will be. Become a real part of the Great American Debt Diet withOprah by adhering to my debt solutions I have promoted for years. Get out of debt and stay out of debt for real.
Why would anyone want to get out of debt and stay out of debt? Thereare many reasons. Even asking that question means that you probably havebeen encumbered with the media brainwashing that comes with great debt.The debt industry is the wealthiest industry in America. That meansthe more debt you get, the richer the debtor gets and the poorer you get.That is, you pay for debt, you pay alot to carry charges from month to month.
The average debt payment runs about 15% for charges. That is huge! You couldend up paying 20 times as much for a product than its original cost if you charge everything on debt payments. That is one reason why debt is bad. Another is that the more things you get on debt, the more difficult they are to pay for, due to compounding interest. This build up of debt causes excessive emotional stress, financial stress, and mental stress. This causes life as a normal person to be put on hold until you can figure out how to get out of debt, and the mind boggling stress it causes. Because you haveadapted the media presentation of debt or perhaps you were misguided bya well meaning relative, your debt keeps getting worse, and worse and worse.
Make up your mind, decide you have had enough misery for one life, and makespecific changes--- 1. Change your spending habits, 2. Change your living habits, 3. Do a total life style change, 4. Realize that things do not make you happy, especilly when they rob you of your peace of mind and emotional security, 5. Decide that you have had enough misery and you want to change your life forever. 6. Build real wealth with real money, using my "31 Commandments of Wealth Building"
The 31 Commandments of Wealth Building
"Study & learn low risk, low cost investing"
"Understand your company retirement"
"Decrease all unnecessary spending"
"Cut up most credit cards and pay mostly by cash; carry one card if you must"
"Use tax refunds to pay off excessive bills, place the remainder in savings"
"Use emergency funds for emergencies"
"Don't loan money & don't borrow money"
"Don't use debt, such as a home loan, to pay off debt"
"Understand that 'Homes Are For Living, Not For Loaning' "
"Working extra hours? Save it!"
"Shop thrift stores in rich areas"
"Buy merchandise on sale"
"Shop garage sales in nice areas"
"Use hobbies to make money"
"Don't allow others to steer you into debt"
"Purchase a home and car you can afford"
"Guard your financial privacy"
"Need money? Think extra weekend job"
"Avoid the interest payment trap"
"Fund your IRA account if self-employed"
"Obtain your credit report yearly"
"Keep a 30-day spending diary, to keep in touch with realistic spending"
"Study self-employment tax benefits if you are self-employed"
"Be honest in your tax deductions"
"Reduce stress by maintaining a budget"
"Tract spending when you shop"
"Teach your kids balanced spending"
"Teach your kids the value of work & money early"
"Don't sign a contract you and a professional have not read"
"Have an emergency? Go to your savings"
"Pay off bills early, pay extra to each bill, each month"
Lois Center-Shabazz is the editor of and the author of, Let's Get Financial Savvy! Sign up for her free eNews and receive a free eCourse, "How to Maintain Income In Bad Times and Good",
Friday, February 24, 2006
Q: I am trying to decide if opening and contributing to a Roth IRA would be a better option than contributing over and above what my company matches in my 401K.
A: Ideally, it’s best to max out both your 401K and Roth IRA accounts; the more you can save for retirement the better. However, for many people this is not possible, so the question then becomes which account should I invest in first?
Learn More of This Answer, Click Here...
A tax attorney is an individual with a law degree who specializes in various tax issues.He or she represents individuals and businesses before the Internal Revenue Service in complicated tax matters. The hourly fees charged by a tax attorney can be stifling so they are normally suited for large financial disputes by high income individuals or businesses. This is a very brief explanation, most of you reading this will never need a tax attorney. Make sure you always pay your fair share of required taxes.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Go here--
Do you have the ability to write about interesting topics? Do you have a passion you would like to write about?
If so, become a Host Editor at
1. Look through the channels--Business, Career, College, Computers, Inspire, Investing, Jakes Place, Money, Real Estate, Retirement.
2. Choose a subchannel that is open
3. Go to to the signup page, fill it out, and wait to be notified.
4. Go to the homepage to view the channels
5. Click "Become a host" on the left side of the homepage
Go to:
Friday, February 17, 2006
Do you work for a company that offers flexible work hours and work-from-home options, in addition to good pay, stock options, benefits and even profit sharing? How about a company that recognizes you for your strengths, and promotes you to a management position, even if you work just part time? Whoever heard of that?
Click here...
Do you work for a company that offers flexible work hours and work-from-home options, in addition to good pay, stock options, benefits and even profit sharing? How about a company that recognizes you for your strengths, and promotes you to a management position, even if you work just part time? Whoever heard of that?
Click here...
Thursday, February 16, 2006
This recipe is a good, cheap spicy turkey stew that will warm you when it's cold, and cool you when it's hot! Try it now.
Go Here...
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
All new womens online business tools for you and all of your friends. Get paid tons of free gifts for joining us online.
Go here...
Here are the 31 commandments of wealth building written from a consumers point of view.
Get out of debt, work a budget and build wealth now.
1."Study & learn low risk, low cost investing"
2."Understand your company retirement"
3."Decrease all unnecessary spending"
---Click here to read the remaining commandments...
Monday, February 13, 2006
Here is your February 09 2006 Issue featuring enrolled agent tax preparers, certified public accounts, be more productive in business, 18 tips for saving, quick and tasty burgers, and proposal writing strategies. Subscribe to this enews and receive our current copy and a 5-week eCourse, "How To MainTain Income During Good Times And Bad"
Click Here...
Here is your January 26 2006 Issue featuring exchange traded funds, mid-winter home checkup, save by finding gems at dollar stores, marketing by learning how customers see you, and save with great deals at consignment stores. Subscribe to this enews and receive our current copy and a 5-week eCourse, "How To MainTain Income During Good Times And Bad"
Click Here...
Friday, February 10, 2006
Experience the height of practicality and help on the web, with these womens online business tools...
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Be More Productive Now
Would you like to start being more productive right now? Want to stop wasting precious time and move your projects to completion? This article will focus on how to be more productive from this point forward.
Go Here...
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Knowing the difference between an enrolled agent and a certified public accountant will enable you to make the right choice in choosing a tax professional to prepare your taxes.
Enrolled Agent Definition
Certified Public Accountant
Monday, February 06, 2006
Behind rent or mortgage and car payments, food expenses rank pretty high on the budget. Therising costs of food als has a huge impact on the budgets of many people. There are still some steps you can take to cut back on the food budget.
Go Here...
This good recipe is for women who need quick, easy meals.
Good, cheap recipes don't have to take a lot of time to prepare. This turkey burger recipe should only take a half hour to 45 minutes.
Go here now...
It's faith in yourself and enthusiasm for life that makes it worth improving. Improve your life's finances, money management, business accumen, and just life skills in general. Use Msfinancialsavvy so you will gain more of an enthusiasm for life.
Helping Women To Create Lives That Are Sane, Manageable, and Prosperous.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Do you need a business proposal? Most of us don't have the right information to create our own proposal. This person may help you.
Click here...
Take a look at the latest good recipe at
Go here...
Here are more good recipes...
Monday, January 30, 2006
They all have in common Ecourses, Finance Tutorials, Articles about home buying, mortgages, and new houses for busy women and moms. Go to the Msfinancialsavvy website now... here are your urls...
finance tutorials...
artitlces home buying and mortgages...
Time The Housing Market...
Home Inspections...
Avoid Home Foreclosure...
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Tax time is upon us. Be well informed of your tax issues. There is a lot to learn and a lot to know or you could loose a lot of money with incorrect filing, overfiling, or underfiling.
Go here to read more about tax tips for 2006.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Go to and you can read our mostly womens financial news. It changes at
least many times per week. Read womens employment, financial, and career issues on our news board.
Click Here To Read Our News Board...
Monday, January 23, 2006
Get savvy with your online business now. Stop lagging behind the competition, use our tools to set yourself apart from other businesswomen on the internet, let your online bussiness push ahead with our online business tools immediately.
Click Here...
Got religion, understand how to manage it if you are a Christian, christian writer Kianarose will show you how. Learn how relationships, money and finances, as well as life in general intertwine with your Christianity.
Click here...
Friday, January 20, 2006
Do you know the hidden benefits of public speaking? There are many and you can find out here.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
There's gold in them thur' consignment shops. Make a goal of visititing 10 in a day and see what savings you can fetch. Sometimes you can even re-consign online. Uh? Sure, why not?
Read more about consignment shops here, from our savings specialist--
Topic--Great Deals At Consignment Stores
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
The day is progressing rapidly. I think sometimes I take on too much. I am training Host Editors for Msfinancialsavvy womens business and finance website, some learn quickly, some well, you get the picture. Today I made some headway, one host finally caught onto a technique I have been explaining ad nausea. But, today... its fact. I am grateful for my host editors at msfinancialsavvy, they are a dedicated bunch who want to impart good habits to women all over the world. What habits? Growing their small business the right way, understanding how to invest their money, making right career decisions, Inspiring other women to be content with life,
making sound home buying choices, and proper retirement planning.
Go here for your sound business and financial habits--
Monday, January 16, 2006
These ecourses are yours just for signing up for them.
These ecourses are yours just for signing up for them.
Sign Up Now--Click here...
Your MsFinancialSavvy enews is waiting for you. It is packed full of finance, investment, money, and business advice. There are even recipes if you have a few minutes to cook.
Go Here Now...
Friday, January 13, 2006
An all new website created by author Lois Center-Shabazz, for women with 15 other women writers. Every single article is written with the interest of creating a better financial life for women.
Click Here and visit her website now.
Go her now and get valuble advice, information and tips on--
Dividend paying stocks, business peak performance, self-publishing,
marketing, cheap recipes, and business's all yours for free.
MsFinancialSavvy Womens Business and Finance Newsletter
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
And a free eNews, MsFinancialSavvy eNews
Sign up Here--
Go Now
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Into The Future
I was walking down a long road not long ago. As I approached the fork, I was at odds as to which way I should go. Each path looked equally passable, with nothing significant to distinguish the right way from the wrong way. I stood staring for the better part of twenty minutes, wondering what my next move should be-where should I go? Which is the easier road?
Go here now...
Sunday, January 01, 2006
I am still working on the website or html version of MsFinancialSavvy eNews, it is
properly called, Womens Business and Finance eNews. I know I said I would have it yesterday, I did not, but it will be done in 24 hours. Meanwhile meet our new host
editor, she writes articles about marketing.
Click Here..